Friday, April 25, 2008

The Max Headroom Incident

One of the most bizzare things to happen in TV history was on the night of November 22, 1987, in Chicago. During an episode of Dr. Who on PBS and the nightly news on WGN, the broadcast signal was interupted by this:
This broadcast interruption has remained a mystery ever since. Both WGN and PBS broadcast from the Sears Tower and who ever was behind this need to have technology stronger than the antenna atop the Sears Tower. The incident made national headlines and this was the story from CBS the night after: 

Wikipedia for more information


Don R said...

pat this is the craziest thing i have ever seen HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Josh Thompson said...

I'm surprised that i haven't heard of something like this before. Just the fact of the technology they needed to do something like this is insane. Also the fact that they did not find out who was responable for this just shows that there are people out there smarter then you think.

LauraMcCabe said...

this is the creepiest thing i have ever seen. me and maddy thought it reminded us of saw.

ivonne said...

That was so creepy. Did this ever happen again or was it that one time? Also, to this day they still do not know who did it? That is so crazy!!!!

Jane Austin said...

i think this was so creepy.. it reminds me of the saw movies... ew. and i really want to know if they ever caught with.

Patrick said...

Nobody was ever caught or charged, still a mystery today...