Plan 9 From Outer Space was a movie made on budget by a guy named Ed Wood. Wood had a very interesting way of putting a film together as well as an interesting cast. His lead female role in his previous film "Glen or Glenda" was played by some random woman he met at a bar. By the way, the movie "Glen or Glenda" was written by him for his wife so she could try to understand how Wood was a trasnvestite. CRAZY! He also called on the aging heron-adict actor Bela Lugosi to play some terrible roles in his films.
Funny thing about Bela Lugosi, he died before the film "Plan 9 From Outer Space" was finished, so they just kill him off. When Bela Lugosi walks off the screen, they randomly put in a sound effect of a car crashing. This is where he "dies". The only thing is that the death is so discreet that nobody could really tell if he was dead or not. The original script had no intention of him dying so soon, but when Lugosi kicked the bucket, Wood had to do something. They found some old footage of him FROM A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT MOVIE and stuck it in between scenes where they needed him. Then, Wood called on Lugosi's chiropracter if I'm not mistaken, to play the scenes that Lugosi wasn't around for. They just put a cape over his face and figured that nobody would tell the difference.
A few more funny flubs:

If you look closely at this mysterious flying saucer, you will see the shadow of it on the moon. If you look closely, though, you'll see that the planet is not that much bigger from the saucer. Really weird.

If you look at the picture to the left, on the top of this photo, you can see a boom mike. It is that shadow thing above their heads. It's pretty sad that someone is so apathetic about his work.
The laughs go on. In the graveyard, one of the actors knocks down a gravestone that is clearly made of cardboard. The zombie guy that is supposed to be dead could be seen breathing on the floor. The dialouge is laughable. This is my favorite line:
It's a barrel of laughs mostly because it wasn't intened to be a barrel of laughs. The cast was made up of friends and people that Ed owed money to. If you want more information, look up the movie on Wikipedia. Or check out the movie called "Ed Wood". It's pretty good. If you like Johnny Depp, then it is a must see. He plays Ed Wood in the film.
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